

Building of 1750 protected for artistic and historical interest

The Monastero hotel stands on the very same lands of the ancient village or Geremeas, destroyed by the Moors during one of their many barbarian incursions that plagued Sardinia.

The lands, consisting of a beautiful valley in a horse hoof shape and bordering with the hills of Cuccuriello, Is Campanilis, Cabriolu and Bruncu Cinus, were purchased by the Elder Gavino Cocco of Ozieri, in the second half of the 1700’s. After the death of Gavino Cocco, the lands were inherited by the Jesuits, who used them for the Boarding School of Santa Teresa di Cagliari until 1848, when they were exiled from the island. In some documents that trace the history of the Jesuits, these lands are cited in the following way: «I have finally visited the great property of Geremeas, and I admit that the Sardinian saying is quite true: “Geremeas is really worth a bishop’s miter”. The farm started by Cocco, later managed by the Jesuits and subsequently purchased by Benvenuto Dol, increased production and turned into a real agricultural colony. In the book “The grape and the wine: history and law (XI-XIX centuries)” the farm house of Geremeas is cited among the most flourishing farms at the time, becoming one of the first examples of modern agriculture: besides the vineyards planted by Cocco there were also 260 almond trees, 239 fig trees and about fifty trees among plums, pears, apricot, peach, cherry and quince. Some of the almond trees are still standing about a hundred meters from the hotel. Therefore, a prosperous farm went into the hands of the Marongiu family, who managed the farm from 1905 until the end of the 50’s, introducing new working methods and technological innovations. The company and personal achievements of Arrigo Marongiu were so great that in 1933 he obtanied by king Vittorio Emanuele III, the merit golden star. In 1995 the ex farmhouse Marongiu was declared to be of great importance, in relation to Law 1089/39 “Protection of locations of historic and artistic interest”.




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